You guys aren’t used to receiving emails from me during the week, so I’ll keep this as brief as possible…
For those of you who, having subscribed to ‘Her Issue’ had clicked onto the ‘podcast’ page out of interest only to find it empty, and might have revisited the page months later only to find it… just as empty, you’ll be glad to know I’ve just decided on the first episode of my podcast on here. (I’m not sure of ‘The Oratory” as a name for this thing yet. It whispers “I’m not like other podcasts, I’m a sophisticated podcast” in the most pretentious way… So if anyone has better suggestions don’t be afraid to comment or PM me).
It had taken me a while to find the time when I was studying, but having graduated a few months ago I thought it about time to actually start posting something on this section of my platform.
I was kind of unsure about the theme for the podcast, given that I didn’t want to simply repeat everything I’d written in my weekly posts, and to be completely honest I felt that to offer nothing new for paid subs was as boring to listen to as it would be to record.
Still, outside of those topics I usually offer my written commentary on, (culture & politics & theory), I have so many thoughts about a bunch of miscellaneous subject matters, from pop culture to philosophy to life advice to wellness to spirituality and so on…
Episode 001 will be life advice (of sorts), entitled something along the lines of
“Leaning into Obscurity” (TBD). I’ll let those of you interested enough to find out for yourselves what exactly this entails if you’ve got no clue as of now.
Unfortunately, the podcast will only be reserved for paid subscribers, because I noticed I’ve been getting a few more of you lately, and wanted to offer something extra ;). The good news is I’m cheap (or my subscriptions are anyway), set at only £3.50/month.
Most importantly I’m quite determined to keep things very casual on here, and so I won’t be sitting in a recording studio with a professional mic etc. This’ll be a lot more simplistic, and you’ll mostly just be hearing me yap on and on, (I’m that friend who has something to say about just about any and everything).
I said I’d keep this brief, so that’s all for now. The episode will likely go up on Sunday evening. I’m still working out a more consistent schedule for these.
I look forward to chatting with you all,
Asisa :)
This sounds so incredibly fun! I can't wait to see what you do with the podcast! ;)