Whats even worse to me, as you mentioned, is the amounts of people in the comments claiming to forgive what is not their offence. The co host of the podcast, Tana, also dropped a comment about "the past, moving on, growing". Is white growth reserved for only when they should be held accountable?
A story time delivered on her white fox news family, a grown ass woman, whose racism reaches even to death?, her eyes getting misty as she recounts her own trauma, when her tweet and behaviour at the time as possibly contributed to the trauma of many?
People do not see the anger of POC, but a white woman's tears hold so much power.
Whats even worse to me, as you mentioned, is the amounts of people in the comments claiming to forgive what is not their offence. The co host of the podcast, Tana, also dropped a comment about "the past, moving on, growing". Is white growth reserved for only when they should be held accountable?
A story time delivered on her white fox news family, a grown ass woman, whose racism reaches even to death?, her eyes getting misty as she recounts her own trauma, when her tweet and behaviour at the time as possibly contributed to the trauma of many?
People do not see the anger of POC, but a white woman's tears hold so much power.
What a sick sick world we live in.
once again, an amazing take. i sincerely cannot believe that the magnitude in which history repeats itself.
this! and i’m sick of all of these people hand waving this issue.
right,, this couldn't have been said better!! every apology shouldn't be accepted, and people don't change overnight